No. Please just submit your contact information using our contact form or mailing us directly. We’ll get in touch with you ASAP.
Yes, of course. If you want to justify our image editing services Then you are most welcome to check our image editing service quality.You can get free trail 3-5 image without charges.
If you satisfied with this free trial,then we have deal for future.
We are available 24/7/365 to hear you. You can contact with us using the mailing address( or contact us directly Contact Us Form.
Yes, of course. We must ensure that your file 100% secure to us. We never use your any files/contents to our personal purposes and also It’s against our terms and policy. So you completely safe with us.
Yes, definitely. Time is very important part of our life.So we never waste your time that means we delivery your work proper time.We believe time is more valuable from money.
We have dedicated team and they are always ready for your project submitted timely.
We have special team for every sector and we must ensure your delivery timely.
Yes! When a clients/customer works with us then our first commitments is Lifetime Supports until her satisfactions.
If our clients/customer face any problem in future we must solution/fix their problem without any extra hidden charges.
Yes! We Offer our clients/customer a special rate of bulk package discount.
If you Order more and more then you get spacial discount from us.
Yes, if you wish, then you also can. Those of our customers, who need our service frequently, they’ve got the alternative to pay weekly or monthly. Every time you place an order, we contain an innovative thing to the declaration via all the features. As a result, you know what amount of pictures we process, and all the relevant info was proceeding to your pay.
Now-a-days file sharing system is more flexible so you can choose any methods to upload/download files.
You can use FTP access, or there are many third parties for file sharing process such as DropBox, WeTransfer.
So, you can use any of them. On the other hand you can use our web uploader to upload or download unlimited files.
We always prefer PayPal for payment. You can pay via check or wear transfer in our company bank account.
We are accepting all image file formats such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF, TIFF, EPS, RAW, PSD, GIF etc. Please just let us know which formats you want to receive in delivery.
Yes 100% quality assurance. We strongly believe quality is more important from quantity.
So we always focus on quality.We know that our popularity completely depends on our quality works not quantity.So our major focus on qualitatively works.
YES! You will get 100% refund if you are not satisfied with the delivered images.We always focus on clients/customer satisfaction and It’s our main goal.Unfortunately if we don’t fulfill satisfy you or you don’t continue with us.We never mind and we still respect you and we refund your money ASAP. But we strongly believe we must satisfy you and you never gone from us.
Basically, Photoshop & Illustrator related all kind of services we are provided like as below:
High Quality Image Editing Service:
- Background Removal
- Clipping Path Services
- MultiPath Services
- Color Corrections
- Ghost Mannequin/Neck Joint
- Symmetric Nick-joint
- Shadow & Reflection
- Image Masking
- Photo Retouching
- Jewelry Retouching
- Beauty Retouching
- Enhancement & Restoration
- Image Manipulation
- Crop & Resizing
- E-Commerce Photo Editing
Print Media/Graphics Design Services:
- Product Packaging Design
- Catalog, Menu Card Design
- T-Shirt Design & Merchandise
- Sketch,Image to Vector Art & Illustration
- Logo Design Services
- Business Card & Stationery Design
- Flyer/ Leaflet & Poster Design
- Brochure Design Services
- Book,Magazine & Cover Design
- Calendar & Clock Design
- Social Media Design
- Web Banner Design