Expert Jewelry Retouching Services !
We offer Jewelry Retouching or any Jewelry Photo Editing solutions for the jewelries having any type of complexity and made of any material: from precious metals to costume jewelry Like as Diamond Photo Retouching, Gold Jewelry Photo Retouching, Silver Jewelry Photo Retouching, Necklace Photo Retouching, Bracelet Photo Retouching, Engagement Rings Photo Retouching and More….
PixelGraphics24 has enough Photo editing expertise and we provide almost all kinds of Jewelry Services.
Jewelry image retouching is essential to enhance the image outlook for e-commerce businesses to increase their sales. In most cases, camera raw images do not look so brilliant to attract customers online.
Jewelry image retouching is not simple or normal like other product retouching. To retouch jewelry images the retoucher should have an artistic mind, good editing knowledge, especially in Photoshop, good color sense, and of course patience.
“Our company takes jewelry retouching orders of any kind of size, any kind of formats and quality”

Jewelry retouching is a sophisticated modification of photographs with the help of image editing software such as Photoshop or Lightroom. Its aim is to raise the image quality, i.e. to make the photographed item more alluring by using light and color correction, making stones brighter, and removing spots or scratches. All these jewelry retouching services are widely asked for mainly commercial purposes.
Basically, the Jewelry business has been an essential fashion trend ever since the dawn of mankind. If you have a Jewelry business, you need to showcase your product online or print a catalog for your valued customers. Nowadays, the majority of all Jewelry business owners are doing business online, if you are one of them you too have to upload your Jewelry product on a website or Social Media for Marketing Purposes.
Jewelry Retouching Services

Jewelry Retouching Services

Accurate representation of jewelry, and reliable content can be the key factor because customers are excited to know as much as possible about the product they are planning to purchase. Beautiful, high-quality image representation enables them to make the right decision.
Retouching is necessary to attract the consideration of online jewelry customers by highlighting to them the quality and glow of your products. You need to hire professional photo retouching service providers who have skilled resources for effective jewelry retouching techniques like removal of background, fine-tuning light, and reflection, eliminating blemishes, adjusting contrast and dark spots, and final image resizing. There are numerous methods and the best results can be achieved only when they are optimally blended.
Dust removal involves clearing smudges that your eyes may not pick up unassisted. Upon enlarging the image, fingerprints and other soiled parts become evident and need to be eliminated. When doing jewelry photo editing in Photoshop, the ‘Spot Healing Brush Tool’ is the right choice to make; it scans area external to brushwork, dissects the shapes, and then implement color with value retouching successfully depending on ambiance objects.
The tool perfectly removes speckles on large surfaces but is not effective for dust sticking to edges. The ‘Patch’ tool helps in substituting the outlined surface with other source images in good condition. Healing brush is capable of spontaneously matching value and color and as such one has to indicate the selected texture only. Dirt on the edges is removed effectively and the base gradient/color is preserved impeccably. This supports a smooth transition to the source image.
In short Jewelry image is very essential to retouch to give it an attractive real look to increase its sales in business, especially in e-commerce business.
Our Jewelry retouching services include:
- High-end Jewelry retouching
- Background cleaning and removal
- Jewellery photo enhancement
- Natural Shadow
- Remove Dust & Remove Poor Reflection
- Having stone Much more Shinning
- Color correction is a must-have thing in the jewelry editing process.
- Removing zits, and unnecessary spots from the items.
- Adjusting contrast and improving shadows.
Why Choose PixelGraphics24 ?
PixelGraphics24 is the best High-Quality Image Editing and Graphics Design Service provider company. We are offering hassle-free, cost-efficient and world-class services. We believe in quality and customer satisfaction. You can get free trial to justify our service quality and also you can take other IT Services offer from us.
- 100% Quality guaranteed
- 100% Pixel Perfect Guaranteed.
- Affordable prices
- Many payment methods
- Special discount for mass order
- Quick Turnaround Time
- Professional team and experienced designers
- Free Trial Facility
- Your Images are 100% secured to Us.
- 24/7 Friendly Customer Support